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Gender equality in the workplace is a crucial issue for our society. Despite significant progress, we still have a long way to go. Aware of these challenges, APEC organized an event on July 2 in Strasbourg entitled “Money, career, sexism: momentum for professional equality!”.

Collaborative workshops for concrete solutions

The event provided an opportunity to set up group workshops in which Sabine Heiligenstein, Human Resources Director at SIRFULL, took part.

These workshops enabled participants to share their experiences and exchange ideas for promoting professional equality. Focusing on themes such as pay inequality, sexism in the workplace and obstacles to career advancement for women, discussions highlighted current issues and identified concrete avenues for improvement.

The results of these workshops will be passed on to APEC’s national management team, who will use them to put forward concrete proposals to the French Labor Ministry.

SIRFUL - Egalité professionnelle
SIRFULL APEC - Egalité professionelle

SIRFULL’s commitment to professional equality

As a committed software publisher, SIRFULL places gender equality at the heart of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies. Aware of the persistent challenges in terms of professional equality, we strive to create an inclusive and equitable working environment.

The implementation of precise indicators enables us to monitor and improve professional equality within our teams, by analyzing in particular: the distribution of women and men among the company’s employees, among managers and within the strategic committee.

The day was a valuable opportunity for reflection, exchange and commitment to a future where equality between women and men must be and remain a reality.

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